Financial advisors are not popular amongst a lot of personal finance experts and bloggers. These pundits point to the fact ...
Achieving Financial Independence
Maybe you like your job, maybe you don’t. Don’t you at least want to have the option to leave it behind to focus on other life changing experiences? Read more about How You Can Achieve Financial Independence or dive right into the latest posts in this category...
Diversify Your Portfolio and Increase Your Cash Flow with Real Estate Loans
If you have read my posts on maintaining financial independence then you know that I prioritize cash flow over high-growth prospects in ...
Save 50% of Your Income to Achieve Financial Independence by Age 45
Many financial planners recommend that you save 10% to 15% of your income for retirement, starting in your 20s. That plan is not ...
Build a Dividend Portfolio as Part of a Diversified Set of Investments
My investment goals have changed over time. I used to focus on appreciation to grow my assets because I was less concerned with ...
Avoid the Big Expenses Instead of Worrying About Your Starbucks Habit
A lot of personal finance experts have placed your Starbucks habit in their crosshairs and explained that eliminating your daily ...
Find and Strengthen Your Motivation to Achieve Financial Independence
It’s not complicated to achieve financial independence but it takes discipline and mental fortitude to implement and follow a plan that ...