In a recent article I discussed how to use your upcoming stimulus check. One of the recommended options was to start, replenish or ...
Is it Going to be Okay? The Economy and V, U, and L Shaped Recessions
This morning we saw 3.3 million new jobless claims, the highest number of newly unemployed people seeking unemployment claims that we ...
Bet on It – Social Security will Help Your Retirement
As it stands today, you can elect to receive social security benefits at ages 62, 67 and 70. Full retirement under the current ...
The Journey to Financial Independence is not a Straight Line
Today, my net worth is approximately $3.5 million. It took 20 years, but I got my net worth from $0 after graduating college to ...
Save 50% of Your Income to Achieve Financial Independence by Age 45
Many financial planners recommend that you save 10% to 15% of your income for retirement, starting in your 20s. That plan is not ...